June 2024

The Progress Report: June 2024📝
Welcome to the latest edition of The Progress Report.

We're testing out a new format this month. If you have any suggestions or questions, hit reply to this email and Kat (Manager of Communications) and Mariel (Head of Development) will be happy to talk more.  

Thanks for reading!

Crafting Up Confidence

A student named Aubrey raised her hand, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I learned to do a back handspring!" she announced, her voice full of pride. She explained that many of her friends were able to do one, but she felt like an outsider not knowing how. "I was able to overcome this because I practiced over and over and over on my bed - and I finally got it! It made me feel so good." She beamed as she recounted the moment of triumph. 
"The next day I was able to show my friends that I could do a back handspring! Now I'm in gymnastics and I love it - I've even learned how to do flips!" 

Aubrey's story radiated resilience and the joy of achieving a personal goal.
 This is exactly why these lessons are so pivotal to these young minds. They provide a platform for students to share their struggles and victories, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-worth. 

Another student later shared, "My favorite part was when we were drawing and talking about my feelings. I think it's important to do that." The lesson on overcoming adversity is more than just an exercise; it's a life lesson that encourages these young students to face their challenges head-on and emerge stronger, ready to take on the world.

Programming By the Numbers

This school year, Live It Learn It conducted 422 classroom lessons and 211 field experiences for 115 classes. We served over 2,100 students from 18 of DC's Title I public schools with 65% of students visiting a destination for the first time. Thank you to the students, staff, partners, and donors who help make these experiences possible year after year!

Below is a snapshot of partner destinations our students visited this year. Do you recognize any of them?
L to R: US Capitol Building, Amazonia House at the National Zoo, Frederick Douglass National Historic Site, and John A. Wilson Building.
Check out this year's highlight video!

Things to Read & Do

  • DO: Set LILI as your favorite charity on PayPal. Visit our PayPal Giving Fund Page, click on the heart below our EIN, then login to your account to confirm your choice. Anytime you check out using PayPal you can choose to donate $1 to Live It Learn It.
Supporter Spotlight
"At HumanitiesDC, our mission is to support engaging public humanities projects that bring people together to explore the history, culture, relationships, and topics shaping our city's communities. Live It Learn It received a grant for The Sound of DC, a curriculum designed to teach young students the stylistic elements of go-go music, a cultural cornerstone of Washington, DC. This program encouraged students to learn more about the genre's history, understand its impact on their hometown, and create their own go-go-inspired music.

As a DC native and artist, I found this initiative incredibly meaningful, and I was honored to collaborate with the organization for our Community Showcase this past February. I genuinely believe that success is measured by the number of lives you bless, and the profound impact this program has had on its young people is a testament to the exceptional work that Live It Learn It has been doing since its inception in 2005."

- James "Jimmy" Watkins, Public Programs Coordinator, HumanitiesDC
Would you like to share your connection to Live It Learn It? Email Mariel at smith@liveitlearnit.org to be featured in the next supporter spotlight. 
We have a store!
If you haven't heard, the Live It Learn It Merch Store is LIVE! Take a peek at some fun, DC-centric designs and support experiential learning with every purchase. 
Image: Person wearing a black LILI shirt with DC outline. A folded black shirt has an image inspired by the DC flag. Text says Merch is here!
Live It Learn It's work is made possible 
by supporters like you. 
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Washington, DC 20003

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August 2024


Winter 23-24